3 DU TROIS ⎪Invisible connections
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How to make the process of creating a choreographic and musical work perceptible This is the question at the heart of the performance 100 mètres par seconde. Throughout this 5-hour performance, the performers are simultaneously learning, composing and performing. Systems involving random chance and different conceptions of space and time are used to compose the choreographic and sound materials. Step by step, these systems are revealed, movements and sounds accumulate and interact in the space and time of play. The audience is invited to come and go as they please in the space, to observe the action taking place or to consult the various documentary sources made available to them, giving an account of the process at work since the beginning of the performance.
Constance Diard trained in contemporary dance at the CNSMD in Paris from 2013 to 2018. A deep interest and questioning about the links between arts and sciences push her to develop creative projects. For her Interpretation certificate at the CNSMDP in 2017, she composed a solo mixing dance and computer science. In 2018, she collaborated with the composer Shihong Ren, a student of the Cursus at IRCAM, to create Replica , a piece for percussion, electronics and dance. In 2019, she co-created In softly insistent motion , a musical and choreographic performance with musician Samuel Toro Pérez at the ZHDK, Zurich University of the Arts. In the same year, she founded the association Cognitive Overload with Lucas Bassereau, a platform for choreographic research. Constance is currently a performer with choreographers Sylvie Le Quéré, Antoine Arbeit, Max Fossati and Alban Richard.
Lucas Bassereau trained at the CNSMDP and then joined the Training Cycle of P.A.R.T.S. (Brussels) from 2013 to 2015. He started dancing in Noé Soulier’s pieces, first for a reprise of a role in Removing and Faits et Gestes, then for his latest creation The Waves (premiere in September 2018). Lucas is taking part in the shooting of a dance film directed by Noé Soulier and produced by the CNDC in Angers for autumn 2021. Lucas collaborates for the creation MAPS with Liz Santoro and Pierre Godard (Cie Le Principe D’Incertitude) and takes part in the project LEARNING presented at the Centre Pompidou in Paris and at the National Gallery Of Singapore. In 2019, he will join the CROWD tour by Gisèle Vienne. He collaborates with Sylvain Huc for the creation of the piece NUIT (2021). At the same time Lucas gives workshops for dancers in training at the Centre de Développement Chorégraphique Toulouse Occitanie, the Centre Chorégraphique National D’Orléans, and the Centre National de Danse Contemporaine in Angers.
Luis Homedes Lopez (1994, Madrid) is a Spanish saxophonist. In 2014, he joined the Bachelor of Arts Klassik at the Hochschule für Musik in Basel, under the direction of Marcus Weiss. In 2017, he joined the “Master of Arts in Musical Performance”. At the same time, he developed an interest in contemporary music. In November 2019, he won the “Rahn Kulturfonds Stiftung” competition. Alongside his studies, he works with many contemporary musicians and composers such as Pierre Stéphane Meuge, Arno Bornkamp, Lars Mlekusch, Vincent David, Pedro Pablo Cámara Toldos, Anton Kernjak, Klenyán Csaba, Vinko Globokar, Salvatore Sciarrino, Stefan Prins, Gabor Tákacs-Nagy. He has the chance to participate in prestigious contemporary music festivals such as “Zeiträume Basel” or “Atacca Festival” in Basel, “Zürich International Saxfest”, “La escucha Errante” in Bilbao (Spain), “Darmstaedter Ferienkurs” (Germany) and was the first saxophonist to participate in the “Kúrtag-Ligeti Workshop” in Budapest (Hungary). He collaborates with the orchestras “Sinfonieorchester Basel”, “Chamber Academy” and “Juventus Musica” in Basel (Switzerland).
Conception and interpretation : Cognitive Overload | Dance : Lucas Bassereau, Constance Diard | Music : Luis Homedes Lopez | Cognitive Overload is artistically and administratively accompanied by Le Laboratoire Chorégraphique De Reims | Supports : Le Laboratoire Chorégraphique, Le Lieu, Centre National de Danse Contemporaine, TROIS C-L – Centre de Création Chorégraphique
In order to guarantee the safety of all, we are obliged to welcome you with a mask that you will have to keep on during the whole performance.