3 du TROIS | The power of a new gaze
YOUNG MOVERS is a brand new programme of dance and movement workshops at all levels for 15-35 year olds, combining ballet, contemporary and urban danc...
In this workshop, you will engage with the movement material from the performance The Days, focusing on sensitivity and body awareness, practiced both...
What does it mean to be strong? Who defines strength? What is our place, and how is that place perceived? Anne-Mareike takes us into the world of her ...
Structured around technical, exploratory, and creative exercises, this workshop aims to refine movement and develop body awareness......
TROIS C-L supports artists through the “Artist in Residency” label. Artists are invited to do long-term residencies in the Banannefabrik studios to develop their artistic projects.
Each project has the opportunity to present a work-in-progress presentation at the end of the residency to the audience. Resident artists can benefit from greater support during their residency, particularly in terms of technical assistance and communication visibility.
Artists are encouraged to develop initiatives during their residency to build bridges with audiences. Finally, TROIS C-L team encourages meetings with dance professionals and helps networking at local and international level.
Luxembourg artists can apply to TROIS C-L team to obtain the “Artist in Residency” label.