3 du TROIS special edition | The 30 years of TROIS C-L
YOUNG MOVERS is a brand new programme of dance and movement workshops at all levels for 15-35 year olds, combining ballet, contemporary and urban danc...
Between sound experiments, sensory explorations and guided improvisations, Joachim Maudet invites participants to experiment with the relationship and...
In this workshop, you will engage with the movement material from the performance The Days, focusing on sensitivity and body awareness, practiced both...
What does it mean to be strong? Who defines strength? What is our place, and how is that place perceived? Anne-Mareike takes us into the world of her ...
Structured around technical, exploratory, and creative exercises, this workshop aims to refine movement and develop body awareness......
Created by TROIS C-L in 2015, “Les Emergences” encompasses a support programme for contemporary creations, in various forms, as well as a series of public performances. The objective of the project is to give greater visibility to emerging choreographic signatures within the artistic landscape of Luxembourg whilst creating a connection between the young creators and the general public.
Through the first three editions of “Les Emergences” programme, TROIS C-L has developed an innovative project as much in its format as its content. By offering artists theoretical and practical coaching modules, financial support in creating their work and a series of performances aimed at the general public, TROIS C-L has created a plan that combines all their objectives: artistic production and creation, training choreographers in Luxembourg, raise awareness to the general public about choreographycontemporary dance.
There has been much debate about emerging artistic talent over the years. It remains, however, a vague notion. By initiating this programme, TROIS C-L has increased their commitment to emerging choreographic talent, as have many institutions and organisations throughout Europe who have made choreography a priority in their objectives. Encouraging emerging choreographic talent today means asking oneself this question: what will dance be in the future?
Emerging choreographic talent cannot be defined in terms of generation or age range – a definition which would only encompass “young” creators. It has more to do with a point in time in the choreographer’s journey as they search for an artistic identity, looking for their style, their signature, their choreographic vocabulary. For this reason, the term emerging choreographic talent may take a variety of forms.
Defining artists as emerging comes down to considering new productions or forms that stand out from the norm in order to gain visibility or recognition in the professional environment and from the public. This in-between phase has no rules in terms of timescale and is variable depending on the artist. It is, however, a compulsory step in order to assert what it is the artist has to say, what is important to the artist and what the artist is.
Upcoming edition coming soon!
This spring sees the return of ‘Émergences’! After the success of previous editions, the launch of numerous choreographic careers and…
“Les Emergences” were back in 2018 with their fifth production, showcasing new-found choreographic treasures for everybody’s pleasure! After the success…
This spring marks the return of the “Les Emergences”! After the success of previous productions and achieving pride of place…