HORS CIRCUITS | Special edition tanzmainz
In their dynamic show, Amber Pansters, Maasa Sakano and Matti Tauru take a self-deprecating look at ...
In their dynamic show, Amber Pansters, Maasa Sakano and Matti Tauru take a self-deprecating look at ...
My Cat Is A Unicorn is told through the existence and expression of characters. This play features individuals who live by their perfection by wanting to achieve, at all costs, an ultimate perfection and make it shine.
Caught up in the waves of perfection of others, they will confront, love, betray, support, judge, reconcile, and separate themselves for what they deem perfect.
Choreographer : Georges Maikel Pires Monteiro | Assistant Choreographer : Ileana Orofino | Performers : Jin Lee, Piera Jovic, Natalisa Sesé Cabello, Diana Rigata García de Mendoza | Composer : Damiano Picci | Lights design : Marc Thein & Nina Schäeffer | Mix & Mastering : MadTrix | Picture of the pamphlet : Pires Monteiro Brando | Video & photography : Pires Monteiro Brandon, Bohumil Kostohryz | Co-production : Kinneksbond, Centre Culturel Mamer, Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg | Support : TROIS C-L – Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois | With the support of : Fondation Été, SACEM, Fondation Indépendance by BIL, Ministère de la Culture Luxembourg