3 du TROIS | The power of a new gaze
YOUNG MOVERS is a brand new programme of dance and movement workshops at all levels for 15-35 year olds, combining ballet, contemporary and urban danc...
In this workshop, you will engage with the movement material from the performance The Days, focusing on sensitivity and body awareness, practiced both...
What does it mean to be strong? Who defines strength? What is our place, and how is that place perceived? Anne-Mareike takes us into the world of her ...
Structured around technical, exploratory, and creative exercises, this workshop aims to refine movement and develop body awareness......
In the moment explores time through an innovative approach to performance and improvisation. Piano and drums are played together to create a composition, partly written and partly improvised. Musical ideas were inspired by the dancers’ movements, giving shape to a continuous dialogue between sounds and gestures. This exchange draws the audience into an unconscious musical memory and a meditative state.
Sull’Attimo – trailer from camilla monga on Vimeo.
Chara Kotsali‘s to be possessed is a rehearsal of demonic rituals that summon the spirits that haunt our language, our writings, our knowledge, our minds and the material world itself. to be possessed experiments with creating rituals of remembrance and awakening the multiple voices within us. By exploring women’s testimonies, Chara Kotsali gives voice to these stories of demons, exorcism and spirit summoning. Chara Kotsali indulges in the demonic as she attempts to animate the phenomena she encounters, inviting them to reveal their character as both overwhelming and subversive in the face of the automia of individual women.
To Be Possessed – Chara Kotsali (trailer) from Konstantinos Sakkas on Vimeo.
*Reduced rates for professional artists, jobseekers and students on presentation of proof of enrolment.
**Kulturpass is a free, personal, nominative card enabling people on modest incomes to participate in Luxembourg’s cultural life. Further information: www.kulturpass.lu