Brian CA

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Brian CA is a multi-disciplinary artist based in Luxembourg whose work brings together different techniques such as choreography, set design, photography, digital arts and visual arts. His research is based on the construction of an individual’s identity and the impact of psycho-emotional factors linked to their socio-cultural and intimate environment. His aim is to create inter-disciplinary objects in association with artists and researchers from a variety of backgrounds.

He trained at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Lyon and the Ballet Junior de Genève, before embarking on a career in which he has performed works by Hofesh Schechter, Wayne MacGregor, Andonis Foniadakis, Damien Jalet, (…) in companies such as Scottish Dance Theater, Compagnie Grenade, Clod Ensemble, Opéra National du Rhin, (…). He is also assistant and coach to Elisabeth Schilling (2020 to 2023), Jean-Guillaume Weis (2023) and Sarah Baltzinger (2023).

His first creation ULTRA was selected for TalentLab22 at the Grand Théâtre de Luxembourg and will premiere in May 2024 at the Théâtre de la Madeleine in Geneva.


2024 /// INFRA

INFRA – Brian CA & COH – Teaser from Brian Ca on Vimeo.


WE NEED TO FIND EACH OTHER – Teaser de recherche from Brian Ca on Vimeo.