HORS CIRCUITS | Special edition tanzmainz
In their dynamic show, Amber Pansters, Maasa Sakano and Matti Tauru take a self-deprecating look at ...
In their dynamic show, Amber Pansters, Maasa Sakano and Matti Tauru take a self-deprecating look at ...
” Dance and movement artist. Working with movement. Questioning: What is movement in a given moment and what remains after? What is the before and after? How does it affect the present and how does movement relate to time and space?
What can we draw from momentary experiences and how can we apply them to broader conclusions about society and living-together?
Reoccuring themes throughout the work of Annick Schadeck: Transformation, the boundaries between the organic and the inorganic, of movement and stillness, time and space, colors and music.
How to translate nature? How does nature translate the human form? “
2019 – LOCKER RUF – www.lockerruf.com