3 du TROIS | The power of a new gaze
YOUNG MOVERS is a brand new programme of dance and movement workshops at all levels for 15-35 year olds, combining ballet, contemporary and urban danc...
In this workshop, you will engage with the movement material from the performance The Days, focusing on sensitivity and body awareness, practiced both...
What does it mean to be strong? Who defines strength? What is our place, and how is that place perceived? Anne-Mareike takes us into the world of her ...
Structured around technical, exploratory, and creative exercises, this workshop aims to refine movement and develop body awareness......
Giovanni’s work is based on human relationships and dialogue through dance. His multidisciplinary artistic approach focuses on body confidence, guided by his inherent energy where images, movements and emotions appear. Fascinated by the complexity of the human being, his work explores the instinct, identity and authenticity of movement, transposing it into a poetic and absurd universe.
These works are transposed into social, philosophical, emotional and timeless subjects in order to materialize them in a universe that is both dreamlike and real, clashing the tragic and the comic, the expected and the unexpected, distorting them with grace.
Interested in research, sharing and transmission, he attaches importance to the accessibility of dance, mixing the different arts and universes that allow him to get closer to the public in order to expand and establish artistic possibilities. His writing and his choreographic language are constantly evolving, questioning himself through curiosity and exploration in order to refine and develop his universe.
2023 /// CREDERE by Giovanni Zazzera (Z Art production)
2022 /// CHUUUTE by Giovanni Zazzera (Z Art production)
2021 /// NEGARE by Giovanni Zazzera (Z Art production)
2022 /// (di)SPERARE by Giovanni Zazzera (Z Art production)
2021 /// OUT OF RANGE by Giovanni Zazzera & Saeed Hani (Z Art & mMITm production)
2017 /// FLOWERS GROW EVEN IN THE SAND by Giovanni Zazzera (Z Art production)
2019 /// Concours Chorégraphique Les lendemains qui dansent La Barcarolle – Prix du Jury pour FLOWERS GROW EVEN IN TE SAND
2013 /// Lëtzebuerger Danzpraïs award of the Ministry of Culture Luxembourg