Valerie Reding

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After their training in classical ballet, jazz and modern dance in Luxembourg, they studied Architecture at the Swiss Federal Institute of technology in Zurich (ETHZ) and Media Arts at the Universities of the Arts in Zurich (ZHdK) and Vienna (Angewandte). Besides their academic studies, they worked internationally as a makeup artist in fashion and film, trained in contemporary dance and explored the art of drag in San Francisco’s and Zurich’s nightclubs. Today, they combine all these experiences in their eclectic artistic practice combining and oscillating between movement, performance, photography, video, text and installation. They work independently as well as collaboratively in varying contexts ranging from alternative and underground spaces to theaters, galleries and other cultural institutions, defying any kind of categorization of the art world.

Intrigued by the complexities and entanglements of the body, human psychology, interpersonal relationships, social norms and the relations of power that permeate our societies and identities, Valerie Reding explores the potential of vulnerability, auto-fiction, togetherness, transformation and camp to work on questions around subjectivity and relationality with an intersectional approach.


2023 /// monsters  /// stage work for 2 performers within an immersive multimedia installation (75 minutes)


2023 /// lovefool /// solo performance (25 minutes)


2021 /// m.a.d. – about you /// 20 min performance & 15 min talk (live online dance-video performance), video documentation available upon request

2020 /// m.a.d. /// 65mn stage performance /// Teaser 1, by Oil Productions

Teaser 2 by Ozelot:



2023: laureate of Cliché II by Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte with the project monsters

2022: Werkstipendium der Tanzkommission der Stadt Zürich 

2021: laureate of Cliché I by Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte with the project HVNGRY for more

2020: Kulturelle Auszeichnung 2020 der Tanzkommission der Stadt Zürich for Valerie Reding’s artistic practice in the field of dance and performance

2019: Stipendium 2019 der SSA (Société Suisse des Auteurs) für choreografische Werke for Valerie Reding’s work m.a.d.

2017: fonds stART-up from Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte for Valerie Reding’s choreographic work WILD CHILD

2016: Atelierstipendium San Francisco from the dance commission of the City of Zurich