3 du TROIS | The power of a new gaze
YOUNG MOVERS is a brand new programme of dance and movement workshops at all levels for 15-35 year olds, combining ballet, contemporary and urban danc...
In this workshop, you will engage with the movement material from the performance The Days, focusing on sensitivity and body awareness, practiced both...
What does it mean to be strong? Who defines strength? What is our place, and how is that place perceived? Anne-Mareike takes us into the world of her ...
Structured around technical, exploratory, and creative exercises, this workshop aims to refine movement and develop body awareness......
So here we are, where we never wanted to be.
We have fought with all our might against the Covid19 virus and its various variants, and now that we have reached a semblance of normality, an equally if not more dangerous virus invades us. Invades our life, our way of thinking, our culture, our art.
A virus created by a collective thirsting for power. What to do against this virus, what to do against these people who seem to confuse security with dictatorship?
We, together with the artists, can only continue to highlight what is happening in our society: to bear witness, to denounce, to reveal. To show through art the true face of our society.
Artists must continue to hold up a mirror to what is happening at the heart of our lives, here and elsewhere. It is also our duty to show our solidarity and empathy to people in danger and to support these same people by all possible means, each one at his or her level, each one with his or her means.
In the programming of these next months, you will find projects that will make you think, projects that will make you discover other cultures, other traditions, other visions of the world, other ways of living and thinking; images of a society that unfortunately seems to suffer from everything.
You, the audience, in this imperfect world, have the mission to support art and culture for a better world. Without a diverse art and culture our world will definitely kneel before those characters who want to rule as the only lord.
– Bernard Baumgarten, artistic director of the TROIS C-L, March 2022
More information on the work of Kai Fobbe, screened at the TROIS C-L during each of our evenings HERE