© Vidal Bini

For 40 years, Théâtre du Marché aux Grains has been a place of multiple activities, developed for and with contemporary creation, with the specificity of being implemented in a rural area.

Directed by dancer and choreographer Vidal Bini, Théâtre du Marché aux Grains is a space dedicated to creation through residencies for artists and workshops for youngsters and non-professional audience. A space for debating, exploring, inventing, and imagining strong relationships between arts and territory, where one can see on a regular basis performances or work-in-progress by the associate company KiloHertZ, and other hosted artists.

A partnership was created in 2020 between Théâtre du Marché aux Grains and TROIS C-L. KiloHertZ company, which is associated to the theatre, came to TROIS C-L for a residency in October 2020 and showed a work-in-progress during our “3 du TROIS” event in November.

The choreographer Jennifer GOHIER went to Bouxwiller in January 2022.

More information HERE