Karaoke for the End of the World


In a world on the brink of collapse, three old friends reunite for their 30th high school reunion. What follows is an odyssey of secrets, lies, gender dysphoria, euphoria, relationships, life, love and desire, revealed through movement, performance and voice. The work immerses the audience in a timely and moving exploration of what it means to be human in a changing time and environment.
Karaoke for the End of the World is a powerful reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope, and reminds us of the power of encounter, the importance of friendship and the strength of the human spirit.


Production: hannah ma dance, The People United a.s.b.l. & HAUS NOIR

Writer & Performer : Ashraf Johaardien

Choreographer & Performer : Hannah Ma

Director & Performer: Alby Michaels

Dramaturgy, set design, lighting & costumes : HAUS NOIR

Tour management : Friends & Family Agency

Graphic designer : Rhys Gordon

Supported by: TROIS C-L – Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois | Maison pour la danse, Ministère de la Culture Luxembourg & Ministère de la Culture de Rhénanie-Platinat